This can be a sticky situation for students, fellow instructors and program coordinators alike. All instructors don't have to teach alike, but students have an expectation of, and some would say a right to, consistency.
Read More »Education
Daring to Dislodge Dogma
Remember the old adage that you can't solve a new problem by using old ways of thinking. When the old dogma starts to stink, it may be time to take it outside.
Read More »RescueDigest Resources: Trauma in Special Populations
Caring for patients with severe traumatic injuries can be difficult enough but what do you do when your patient is very young, very old or very pregnant or very large?
Read More »Following The Rules for Educators
While this post is in reference to an incident that occurred at a conference presentation, the rules for educators apply to any kind of education including in-house, open-to-the-public, formal academic or informal pick-up drill. If you teach, read on...
Read More »Education For The Next Generation of Responders: We CAN NOT Teach Like We Were Taught
Honor Your History, but Teach for the Future Welcome to the new year. If we’ve learned anything over the past year then we’re smarter than a year ago and way ahead of where we were ten years ago. Let’s start teaching like it. First We Taught Book Knowledge. Then We Taught Street Knowledge. We’re Beyond That Now.
Read More »2015 Arrives!
New Year, New Challenges, New Opportunities In the past year first responders encountered a number of extremely difficult challenges. There were large-scale responses and small-town tragedies, there were personal tragedies and global budget problems; but through it all first responders around the world shouldered the weight of protecting those in need. 2015 arrives with a world of potential. What is ...
Read More »RescueDigest Resources: EMS Care for Pediatric Sepsis
These resources will show advanced EMS providers how to assess, treatment, and coordinate care for these very sickest children.
Read More »Prepping for Change in 2015 and Beyond: Teaching Old Dogs New CPR
Having had the opportunity to attend the last AHA Guidelines roll-out in Chicago in October of 2010 I wound up reading everything I could on the guidelines in the research behind them so that when I showed up to represent my state I didn’t look like some kind of dope. It was an easy digging through all those papers, but when I was finished I noticed something profound in both the recommendations and the research (though not the ACLS algorithms or courses, but that is another topic). I saw how and why we were going to have to make a CHANGE.
Read More »The RescueDigest Podcast Episode 23: EMS Education Transition with Dan Limmer
Rom Duckworth speaks with Dan Limmer about What we need to know about the EMS education transition from old standards to new ones, how to experience providers get up to speed, the difference between a refresher and the transition, and the keys to teaching critical thinking to students.
Read More »RescueDigest Reads: NASEMSO Brief on the Use of Naloxone Out-Of-Hospital
Is your department or are other emergency response or civilian groups in your area considering the distribution or use of Narcan by non-ALS personnel? If so, then this document is for you.
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