RescueDigest’s Top Picks of essential resources for critical topics in emergency services.
Crush Injury, Compartment Syndrome, Suspension Trauma and Rhabdomyolysis Resources
Pinned in a car for two hours, trapped in a building collapse for 12, fallen on the floor for 24. Each of these patients may be experiencing different, but deadly aspects of crush injury, compartment syndrome, suspension trauma, and rhabdomyolysis. Why are some victims okay under pressure, but die suddenly when rescued and what, if anything, can EMS do about it? Real-world case-studies and sample prehospital protocols below will help answer these questions and more by bringing you evidence based best practices, real-world “how-to” and resources that you can use to treat these high-pressure and high-profile patients.
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How you can use these resources: RescueDigest curates great research and resources during the development of our articles and educational programs. Since our mission is to “Help You Help Others” we present the best of these resources for you to explore, share and use in your own agency.
Please note that some of the links below, especially for the textbooks and research papers, may require paid access. Even if you do not already have direct access you should be able to gain the full information through most local and virtually all medical or research libraries. The U.S. National Fire Academy may also be helpful in obtaining these and additional resources.
Recorded free webinar of this presentation Sponsored by Fire Engineering Magazine and Zoll Medical Products.
Crush Injury (and more)
Coordinating Care for Crush Injury by Rom Duckworth
Typical Crush Injuries:
Recognizing and Treating Crush Syndrome
NAEMSP / ACEP Review Of Crush Injuries
Life in the Fast Lane Critical Care Compendium: Crush Syndrome
Sever, M. S., Vanholder, R., & Lameire, N. (2006). Management of Crush-Related Injuries after Disasters. New England Journal of Medicine, 354(10), 1052–1063.
Yokota, J. (2005). Crush Syndrome in Disaster. Japan Medical Association Journal, 48(7), 341–352.
Gonzalez, D. (2005). Crush syndrome. Critical Care Medicine, 33(Supplement), S34–S41.
Sahjian, M., & Frakes, M. (2007). Crush Injuries. Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal, 29(2), 145–150.
Sahjian, M., & Frakes, M. (2007). Crush injuries: pathophysiology and current treatment. The Nurse Practitioner, 32(9), 13–18.
Compartment Syndrome
Compartment Syndrome Versus Crush Syndrome
Beyond the Basics: Crush Injuries and Compartment Syndrome
Suspension Trauma
Silver Cross EMS: Suspension Trauma: DOWNLOADABLE POWERPOINT
Auerbach, P. S. (2011). Wilderness Medicine. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Lee, C., & Porter, K. M. (2007). Suspension trauma. Emergency Medicine Journal, 24(4), 237–238.
Roggla, G., Moser, B., & Roggla, M. (2008). Re: Suspension trauma. Emergency Medicine Journal, 25(1), 59–59.
Pasquier, M., Yersin, B., Vallotton, L., & Carron, P.-N. (2011). Clinical update: suspension trauma. Wilderness & Environmental Medicine, 22(2), 167–171.
Rhabdomyolysis and the Use of Sodium Bicarbonate And/or Mannitol
Additional Resources
Schöffl, V., Popp, D., Küpper, T., & Schöffl, I. (2015). Injury Trends in Rock Climbers: Evaluation of a Case Series of 911 Injuries Between 2009 and 2012. Wilderness & Environmental Medicine, 26(1), 62–67.
Burns, K., Cone, D. C., & Portereiko, J. V. (2010). Complex extrication and crush injury. Prehospital Emergency …, 14(2), 240–244.
Assessment and Initial Management of the Trauma Patient from Terrorist Events: CDC Downloadable Case Study
Sample Prehospital Protocols
Joint EMS Protocols: Crush Syndrome