Meet Bryan: Burn Survivor
As first responders, you all know first hand how many devastating and life changing accidents befall countless people, many of them children, every day.
In 2002, twelve-year-old Brian Munoz sustained third degree burns to 42% of his body when he was playing with a lighter. Because of his age, and therefore the fact that his body continued to grow, Brian has now had a total of twenty-one surgeries, and there are more to come.
After his accident, Bryan became an advocate for fire safety, taking his own initiative to teach other kids in his neighborhood about the hazards of fire and of playing with matches and lighters.
Now, he needs another surgery in order to aid in the ability to move his neck from side to side. Worse, Bryan has difficulty taking deep breaths as the burned skin on his chest will not stretch. This necessitates yet still more surgery for Bryan and for his family to try to fund. Although insurance certainly helps, the copays are high and Bryan’s family is responsible for a sizable copay. After each surgery, Bryan also needs to have continuing wound care, doctor visits, and many other things such as clean bandages.
Bryan’s mother took the initiative to start a grassroots campaign to help fund his surgeries, hoping that she will be able to provide comfort to her son. When she heard about RescueDigest and our work to provide training, education, and resources to first responders, she reached out to us in an effort to help spread the word.
Bryan’s GoFundMe page is already receiving donations from RescueDigest readers like yourself. If you’d consider donating, simply click the link for the Bryan Munoz Burn Surgery Fund.
We are happy to have the chance to spread the word about Bryan as another way to help you help others.