RescueDigest Resources: Prehospital Intubation: To ET or Not ET?

RescueDigest’s Top Picks of essential resources for critical topics in emergency services.


Prehospital Intubation: To ET or Not ET, that is the question.

Do field-placed ET tubes improve patient outcomes? Should all cardiac arrest patients arrive at the hospital intubated? Exactly what airways qualify as BLS now? Should your airway choices change if the problem is medical illness or traumatic injury? How much training should a paramedic get in intubation? What should recertification requirements be?


How you can use these resources: RescueDigest curates great research and resources during the development of our articles and educational programs. Since our mission is to “Help You Help Others” we present the best of these resources for you to explore, share and use in your own agency.


Laryngoscope and tube

Depending on your point of view, these can be TOOLS or WEAPONS.


Airway Literature: Comprehensive Literature Reviews & Reactions

Revisiting the value of pre-hospital tracheal intubation: An all time systematic literature review

A Critical Reassessment of Ambulance Service Airway Management in Pre-Hospital Care:

College of Paramedics (British Paramedic Association) updated position paper following JRCALC recommendations on paramedic intubation

Out-of-Hospital Endotracheal Intubation: Where Are We?


Intubation in Cardiac Arrest Patients: ET vs CPR?

Prehospital intubation in cardiac arrest: The debate continues

EMS World: Current Events in Cardiac Arrest: Airway Management


Improving Intubation Outcomes: First Pass Success!

JEMS: Experts Debate Paramedic Intubation

EMS1: Intubation: How to do more GOOD than HARM


Apneic Oxygenation: Oxygenation without Ventilation 


RescueDigest’s Own Programs:

Rom Duckworth’s Airway of Choice


Do YOU have questions, comments or know of research or resources that we should include here? Let us know below.


About romduck

Rom Duckworth is a dedicated emergency responder, author, and educator with more than thirty years of experience working in career and volunteer fire departments, hospital healthcare systems, and private emergency medical services. Rom is a career fire captain and paramedic EMS Coordinator for the Ridgefield (CT) Fire Department and director of the New England Center for Rescue and Emergency Medicine. Rom holds a master’s degree in public administration, is a graduate of the National Fire Academy’s Executive Fire Officer program, and is the recipient of the NAEMT Presidential Award, American Red Cross Hero Award, Sepsis Alliance Sepsis Hero Award, and the EMS 10 Innovators Award. Rom is the author of "Duckworth on Education," as well as chapters in more than a dozen EMS, fire, rescue, and medical textbooks and over 100 published articles in fire and EMS magazines. A member of the NAEMT Board of Directors, as well as other national and international advocacy and advisory boards, Rom continues to work for the advancement of emergency services professions. Contact Rom via